Album info
Year: 2012
4 Tacks
Total time: 25:35
Paolo Folzini
“zero-latitude”, this is the title of a four unpublished tracks album, soon available also on audio CD. I tried to find, for this new work, other musical ways, exploring Indian and middle east instruments, like armenian duduk and sitars, then I merged with other ethnic instruments like kantele from Finland and an american banjo… After this I infected the result with electronic elements, as usual.
Release notes:
- song zero-latitude is produced by Liquid Frame & Redz,
- feat. Fabio Maraia on lead guitar
- all contents are under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial
Share Alike 3.0 - all photos are by ggmasai
- for infos and commercial use:
- Thanx to Daniela Vivarelli, Life Style Radio and Life Style Community