Anatomy of a dream
Album info
Year: 2015
14 Tacks
Total time: 1:17:47
Paolo Folzini
The eighth Liquid Frame’s album is an anthology, with the addition of two unpublished tracks.
“Anatomy of a dream”, my dream, is a meaningful chapter for me, both from the artistic and from personal point of view: after having composed and published seven albums, happens to turn back and to try to appraise what you’ve done… the emotions that you have succeeded in transmitting and sharing, the barriers and walls that you’ve succeeded in breaking, inside and out of yourself.
To realize this album has meant for me to come back with my mind to the years that have seen the birth of the songs that compose it; sometimes a painful and twisted trip, but also full of sweet and exotic memories; above every other thing however a trip, that has a well precise meaning for me, but that I’d like to take different forms and various colors, to envelop to the best whoever decides to undertake it.
Release notes:
“Anatomy of a dream” is composed of fourteen tracks, two of which unpublished before, and it’s born also from the desire to give to whom has listened to Liquid Frame till now the best of its production, with a particular care for the post-production and the mastering, especially as it regards the most ancient songs, composed more than fifteen years ago, with all my technical and professional limits of the epoch and with my eternal dissatisfaction for the gotten result.
In this new album there has been a maniacal search to conjugate an editing sometimes radical with the original mood of the song. My hope is to have been able to do that at least just a little.
Tracks notes
Die to meet you – INEDIT TRACK – Album’s intro, composed during the spring of 2015 for DieToMeetYou project (to know more visit The title is kindly granted by Grazia Piccinelli
Youtube video:
If I fall feat. Sarai Jazz – INEDIT TRACK – Brano song composed in collaboration with the singer Sarai Jazz. Contamination among electronic music, trip hop and Latin rhythm.
Lorelai feat. Fabio Maraia – New version of the track on “H2O” album: the moog synthesizer that draws the melody of the theme is now only in the intro and leaves the place to Fabio Maraia’s lead guitar
I’d like to thank all the musicians who have collaborated with Liquid Frame in all these years: Marco Pieri, Diego Frazzi, DJ Psymilar, Gianluca Zanetti, Matteo Trogu, Constance Foster, Irene Di Villio, Giovanna Zanafredi, Fabio Maraia, Giuseppe Piranio, Alex Piatti, Stefano Mocini, Lorenzo Berneri (REDZ)
Also special thanks to:
Sarai Jazz, Sanna Hartfield, David Elliott and FreeVocals
Fabio Mazzarella, Vladimiro Guindani and Creative Workshop association
Daniela Vivarelli and the Jazz Friends collective